Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Green Smoothie Recipe and Fruity Pictures!

What am I doing? Playing with my new VITAMIX!!

I recently picked up the Vitamix 5200, giant piece of awesomeness that it is, and I've been using it several times a day and there doesn't seem to be any rest for it in sight. Green smoothies TWICE a day now, which means I'm packing in at least 1 head of romaine and several ounces of baby spinach or mixed greens daily. My skin is taking on an even brighter, cleaner glow and smoothness, and I'm so, so happy to be able to eat all of these amazing greens so easily! Skip the salad, people, and blend! Salads are great, but people just don't take the time to chew their food down enough so that your body can properly absorb all of the amazing raw, living nutrients that greens have to offer. Solution? Blend them, break down the cell walls and drink immediately to prevent oxidation. Here's the 2hp monster in action :)

 That, my gentle friends, is my absolute FAVORITE smoothie ever. In life.

1/2 blender full of greens (go mild like romaine or baby spinach) This will end up being about 1 romaine heart or about 1/3 a bag of pre-washed greens
 1/2 cup frozen blueberries
1 tablespoon raw organic coconut butter
2 scoops Hemp or Soy powder
1 scoop Super Greens powder (mine is from Trader Joe's)
1 teaspoon Maca powder
1 dropper of Vanilla Stevia
1 cup pure coconut water
1 slice tofu (optional)

Throw in a bunch of ice cubes on top and let it blend on high for about 30 seconds. The Vitamix TEARS through greens. This is the same blender you see every time you go to Jamba Juice, so you know how it works. The best part is that your greens are liquified, making it now only easy but actually enjoyable to drink down an entire delicious, coconut and berry flavored salad. This smoothie is very fruit light and is even enjoyable totally fruit free for my sugar free whole foodies out can still enjoy green smoothies no matter what your dietary restrictions!

Also, I have to share this with you, because it's not very often that I meet someone in real life who gives a crap: I GOT TO TRY A BRAND NEW FRUIT! I found a DRAGONFRUIT at my local shop of deliciousness, the local Mediterranean farmer's market and grocery. They had some nice, nearly ripe Dragonfruits for a couple of dollars and I just had to try it. I'm always looking through other people's pictures of fruit on various raw food websites and wishing I could try something more exotic.

It's such a nice, mild fruit, although I know that mine came a long way and would most likely taste totally different in it's natural environment, ripened on the plant. It reminded me a lot of watermelon, actually, the way the flesh felt texturally, and how the sweetness seemed to concentrate the further into the center I ate. The inside is a bit like a milky white kiwi, with tiny black, edible seeds all the way through. What I wouldn't give to go to a place where I could eat one fresh and ripe and local.Scooping it out and cutting it up was loads of fun, though, and there was plenty to share with my kids, who ate up everything I gave them :)

Up next: super simple raw ice cream!


  1. I like smoothie drink cause make my body fresh. Sure, I will try your recipe

  2. Hi Jessica. I noticed that you started following my couponing blog so I thought I would come and check out your blog. What a fun blog. I just started juicing Kale last week so I was super excited to see your post on the Romaine shake. Looks delicous. I have an Oster Professional blender which I purchased about 3 years ago and it is super powerful. It cost me about $130 so it might be a good option for folks that you know that can't afford the VitaMix. The Professional Oster pulverizes my Kale and makes a great shake.

    I also wanted to let you know that I liked this post on Dragonfruit. Did you know that there is a grower in Goleta, CA that grows Dragonfruit. You can order them when they are in season and they will be much fresher than what you purchased. Here's their website:

    Have a great day and thanks for following me! Hope you get some good Rite-Aid deals!

  3. Just an FYI.... Pitaya (dragonfruit) cannot be grown in Sacramento because of our 100 degree heat in the summer which can sunburn the fruit and because we experience a few days of freezing weather in the winter which will damage the plant. It does grow well in Southern California though because of the moderate weather there. :)
