It's super cold here, and really, when I say cold, I mean around 60 degrees. I know, I'm really spoiled, but it's cold to me. *Pouts*
I'm thinking about taking a break from overt fats. I just bought a four pack of unripe avocados, and I'm probably going to wait until they're ripe to eat any more fats. I'll stick with fruits and greens until then.
Speaking of overts, I made this awesome salad based on a recipe found in the 80-10-10 book with oranges, romaine, and walnuts. Freaking YUM!
I've also been EXTREME UNCOOKING for various people. Instead of buying presents this year, which really wouldn't have been feasible anyway, I've taken to making delicious raw treats and giving them out to everyone. It's really a two-sided gesture, one which expresses my love for the recipient while at the same time luring them over to the dark side. And when I say dark side, I mean the side where you don't kill yourself slowly with food. Check out these chips I made:
They look NOTHING like they taste. I made them with chard marinated in ACV and a few other things, and I swear to you, they taste a lot like Pringles Salt and Vinegar, which incindentally were my favorite flavor many years ago. If my 4 year old will eat them, you know they're a winner.
Today's menu:
Breakfast: Juice of 6 oranges, 1/2 a cucumber, ginger, and 4 carrots
Lunch: Smoothie of OJ and Fuyu persimmons
Second Lunch: Something involving bananas and dates. And maybe spinach.
Dinner: Sweet raw corn, tomatoes, and cilantro. Yum.
I'm on vacation from school, and yet all the things I've been putting off are still getting put off. It's not even cleaning or organizing or anything lame, either. I've read to get a good start on the stack of books that I'm excited to read, or the episodes and movies I'm backed up on. I'm starting to realize where all my time is going: my kids! They eat up more hours of my day than anything else on my plate right now.
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