Tuesday, February 1, 2011

100 Day Challenge...Day 19

I've got some pictures for you guys today :)

I'm sipping on a 1000 calorie banana-date-spring green smoothie, and I'm really amazed at how much my appetite has grown now that I'm a few weeks into my new running program. I took a few weeks off of training over December and kept it at just walking. We normally walk a few miles a day about 3-4 times a week in my house, so any training I do is in addition to that mileage. Now that I'm tacking on running and strength training, I'm eating a LOT. A LOT. It's really fun, actually, from my perspective, anyway. I've never really been on board with the whole 1/2 cup serving train, anyway. If you're eating for hunger and not for cravings or flavor, you'll naturally stop eating when you've gotten enough.

Oranges are really cheap in Sacramento right now, and I've been thinning out the herd single-handedly. When you can drink 12 of them in a single go, they begin to fear you. I like to get my greens down with the juicer, as well, so I've been juicing whole heads of organic romaine and handfuls of dandelion greens. I got a bag of 3 organic romaine heads for 69 cents! I was so jazzed.

I found this GIANT Mexican papaya marked down to 1.50$

BREAKFAST!!! Check out the pink navel color against the regular navels



I'm off to clean and do more schoolwork. I've recently been feeling an urge to cleanse my life, no doubt because of the way I'm cleansing within on so many different levels. I'm donating a lot of clothes to charity and to people around me who need them more. I'm kind of a packrat, and the behavior isn't conducive to the sort of environment I'd like to be surrounded by, so I'm doing away with those things that no longer serve my purposes. Who will be eliminated? None of you are safe!


  1. Wow those navels are beautiful! TImes like now I wish I lived in Cali. But we are still getting great citrus up here in Oregon. I have been in love with the Fairchild Tangerines. Sooo good. Have you seen them around? Try em, they are so sweet and have a unique flavor. I have been off salt for almost 2 weeks now and my taste buds are really getting sensitive. Raw gourmet, the simple sugar way.

  2. Those pink navels look like Cara Caras which are a navel-grapefruit hybrid. Super tasty!

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